Mercedes-Benz, Bertha Benz

Sebastian Strasser

A cinematic biopic on a woman much like many others in history, incredibly innovative yet overlooked almost completely.

In 1886, the first automobile was unveiled by Karl Benz. And although seen at the time as an extravagant yet frivolous invention by many, heads were certainly turned when the motor car was taken on its first long-haul journey that went over 100km. But it wasn’t only this seemingly magical contraption that had people talking… More so that the person commandeering this mechanical beast was a woman. The film “Bertha Benz'' was not only a biopic of this woman who, without telling anyone, took matters into her own hands and showed an unsuspecting world that this invention was worth something big. It’s a film made to celebrate the women who are pioneering the world today, but to all those who for the most part, were overlooked simply because of their gender. Sebastian, taking the reins of this story, took inspiration from works that centered around this time in history – using the theme of CIVILISATION vs WILDERNESS to drive the narrative, and interwove it with the naturally feminist story that lived within. Starting with a powerful image that combined these two leading concepts, the film would highlight all the innovation and integrity that it took this woman to complete this journey, and the ripple effect that this act would create through generations of women.

Director: @sebstrasser
DP: @mrjustinbrown
Executive Producer: Christoph Petzenhauser @lastdoorontheleft
Producer: Björn Levy @bjorn_levy
Production Coordinator: Karin Rodukas @rubiokas
Production Design: Robin Brown @robinbrownstudio
Styling: Gleb Ignatov and Julia Vojtovics @julie.vojtovics
Composer: Lorne Balfe @lornebalfe Steffen Thum @steffen.thum
Music Supervision: Raife Burchell @raife_pb @dirty_soup
Editor: Thomas Grove Carter @thomasgcarter @trimediting
Grading: Yvan Lucas @yvan__lucas
Benedikt Hugendubel @benediktedgar
Romola Davies
Post House: @millchannel @slaughterhouse_postproduction
Service Production: @iconfilmsro
Agency: @antoniberlin
@schmidtmatthias @_alicebottaro @decosantacruz Sebastiaan Peters